Nutritious Lunches, Friendly Cafes
Enjoy an affordable, nutritious lunch at a Surrey location near you. Lunch times and costs vary by location. Please call to find out the schedule at the Surrey where you would like to eat. Your Surrey membership means you can choose to visit any Surrey location for lunch or a program.
Devon offers a Grab and Go lunch option as well. Please call 610-647-6404 to reserve your lunch by 10 am on the day you would like to pick up a lunch at Devon.
Monthly Menus
Purchase A Lunch Punch Card
Only for use at Surrey Devon’s cafe
Home Delivered Meals
Meals are available for older adults who cannot leave their homes. Surrey coordinates home delivery of meals during the week with help from dedicated volunteers and community partners including Main Line, Havertown and Media area Meals on Wheels; the Chester County Department of Aging Services; as well as the Delaware County Office on Aging (COSA).
If you or someone you know would like to receive home delivered meals, call 610-647-6404 for more information or email