One of the most popular activities at Surrey is weekday lunches. Besides the delicious, affordable meal, Surrey lunches are a great time to connect with friends and meet new people. Our cafes are open and welcome new guests daily including members from other Surrey locations.  

You can find the daily menu in the Surrey Connect monthly newsletter, online at, or by calling the location you would like to visit.  Some favorite Surrey entrees include rosemary lemon roasted chicken, vegetable lasagna, stuffed shells, pot roast, and Greek chicken.  

Surrey Broomall serves lunch from 11:45 – 12:30. Lunch is a $2.50 recommended contribution.

Surrey Bryn Mawr serves lunch from 11:30 – 12:30. A three-course lunch costs $7 for Surrey members and $9 for non-members.  

Surrey Media serves lunch from 12 – 12:45. Lunch is a $2.50 recommended contribution. 

Surrey Devon serves lunch from 11:30-12:30. A three-course lunch is $7 for Surrey members and $9 for non-members. A light lunch option of soup, salad, and bread is $5. 

Surrey Devon also offers a Grab and Go option. Complete a Grab and Go order available at the front desk or Member Services. You can pick up your Grab and Go orders at the side entrance of Surrey Devon between 11:30 – 12:30 Monday through Friday. Grab and Go meals are $5. 

Individuals also can receive home delivered meals through Surrey partnerships with Main Line Meals on Wheels and COSA. Call 610-647-6404 for information. 

Why is there a price difference? Lunches at Broomall and Media are provided through a catering arrangement subsidized by The County Office on Services for the Aging (COSA). Lunches and Grab and Go at Devon are prepared by Chef Pedro at Devon and supplemented by fresh produce donations from Whole Foods and Target.  

Wondering how to connect with new people at lunch? Ask a Surrey staff member to introduce you. Staff are always happy to help make connections.