Membership & Renewal
Join today or Renew Your Existing Membership
Surrey Membership
Membership is for one year from date of receipt. You can purchase a membership for someone else, simply fill in his/her contact information and your payment information. Membership subsidies are available. Please contact Stephanie at 610-647-6404 with any questions.
Enjoy these benefits of membership
Access to reduced price lunches in Surrey centers or Grab and Go
Access to Medicare Counseling PA MEDI (formerly APPRISE)
Access to Transportation Services
Low or no-cost Programs and Activities
Information and Assistance services
Access to AARP Tax Preparation services
Volunteer Handy Person In-Home Assistance
List Grocery Shopping and Delivery by Volunteers
Friendly Check-In Phone Calls
Monthly Newsletter Mailed to Your Home
Access to CVIM dental clinic*
Consign at the Surrey Consignment Shop
*Dependant upon income level