Jun 29, 2023 | Blog post, Surrey Centers
“No man is an island” is a belief that is central to Surrey’s mission and philosophy—the importance of connection. Surrey’s programs and outreach are designed to help foster connections—among members and volunteers in our centers; virtually, via Zoom programs; and...
Apr 25, 2023 | Surrey Centers, Volunteer News
Our corps of enthusiastic volunteers personify Surrey’s “Neighbor Helping Neighbor” ethos and catalyze Surrey’s mission. One of the most dedicated—and talented—is Terri Howell, who has been volunteering at Surrey since 2015: “I had just retired, and a friend told me...
Mar 16, 2023 | Blog post, Surrey Centers, The Surrey Academy
Broomall, PA. March 10, 2023 Surrey Services for Seniors is thrilled to announce The Center for Healthy Living Delaware County is open and welcoming the community to stop by for a tour or to enjoy a program. The new center will be a social hub for older adults and...
Feb 2, 2023 | Blog post, Surrey Centers
Alla never expected to celebrate her 77th birthday with a new group of friends – who could not speak her language. Last winter, Alla’s life changed dramatically when she traveled from her home in Ukraine to visit her daughter in Pennsylvania. While she was here,...