Classical Music (Devon)

Classical Music (Devon)

The national award-winning program, The Wonders of Opera and Classical Music meets the last Tuesday of the month from 12:45 pm until 2:00 pm. Listen to a curated YouTube selection of beautiful opera and classical music pieces created by volunteer program leader...
Canasta/Mahjong/Bridge (Devon)

Canasta/Mahjong/Bridge (Devon)

Mahjong: Come to Mahjong to see your friends and match up tiles from this set. Bridge: Join the game of Bridge to work on your poker face and make tricky moves to win with your game partner. Canasta: A crowd favorite card game! Canasta is a great game for socializing...
Balance & Flow (Devon)

Balance & Flow (Devon)

Darlene’s popular Balance class is back! Along with balance exercises she will be focusing on body awareness, stretching tight muscles, and developing strength in your core. This is one of Surrey’s most well attended classes and we are delighted to have it...
Chair Yoga (Devon)

Chair Yoga (Devon)

Join us at Surrey Devon for Chair Yoga! All of things you love about yoga, with a chair for assistance. Wednesdays from 2-2:45.