Tai Chi for Balance (Devon)

Tai Chi for Balance (Devon)

Join us at Devon for this Tai Chi class focused on improving balance. Wednesdays for 6 sessions 1-1:45 (In person and Zoom) Pre-Registration Required* Free with Insurance or $5/session members
Classical Music (Devon)

Classical Music (Devon)

The national award-winning program, The Wonders of Opera and Classical Music meets the last Tuesday of the month from 12:45 pm until 2:00 pm. Listen to a curated YouTube selection of beautiful opera and classical music pieces created by volunteer program leader...
SilverSneakers® (Devon)

SilverSneakers® (Devon)

Join us for a morning with SilverSneakers® at Surrey Devon. This exercise class takes place on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s from 10:00-10:45 am.  The classes are specifically made for older adults and focus on improving strength, flexibility, balance, and...
Pinochle/Cards (Broomall)

Pinochle/Cards (Broomall)

Come join us for Pinochle and Cards, from 10 – 3 every Thursday. Bring your poker face and all the tricks up your sleeve!
Classical Music (Devon)

Classical Music (Devon)

The national award-winning program, The Wonders of Opera and Classical Music meets the last Tuesday of the month from 12:45 pm until 2:00 pm. Listen to a curated YouTube selection of beautiful opera and classical music pieces created by volunteer program leader...