After lunch walk (Devon)

After lunch walk (Devon)

Get some fresh air and get your steps in after lunch! These walks will help aid in digestion and speed your metabolism up after eating lunch. Your mood can even be boosted with a post-lunch walk. Make sure you dress for the weather! Surrey Devon Thursdays from...
Classical Music (Devon)

Classical Music (Devon)

The national award-winning program, The Wonders of Opera and Classical Music meets the last Tuesday of the month from 12:45 pm until 2:00 pm. Listen to a curated YouTube selection of beautiful opera and classical music pieces created by volunteer program leader...
Classical Music (Devon)

Classical Music (Devon)

The national award-winning program, The Wonders of Opera and Classical Music meets the last Tuesday of the month from 12:45 pm until 2:00 pm. Listen to a curated YouTube selection of beautiful opera and classical music pieces created by volunteer program leader...

StrongerMemory (Devon)

Join us for this thirty minute class that is sure to get you thinking! StrongerMemory is a cutting-edge program dedicated to enhancing cognitive abilities and promoting brain health.  StrongerMemory helps individuals improve their memory, focus, and overall mental...

Tax season stress? Help is here.

***All appointments have been filled. Please call AARP (484) 442-0854 directly for more information and assistance.*** Tax season is upon us and Surrey is here with help! From partners at AARP assisting with tax preparations to the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue...