Jul 27, 2022 | Blog post, Board of Directors, Volunteer News
Surrey is pleased to announce its Board of Directors for fiscal year 2023. Andrew A. “Andy” Signore, PE, PharmaBioSource, will serve as Chair of the Board. “I am inspired by the mission of Surrey Services. My childhood was spent living with my grandparents and I’ve...
Jun 14, 2022 | Blog post, Volunteer News
Laughter, music, voices – those are the sounds made by a group of volunteers from a school or community organization. Their happiness at helping to make a difference is tangible and infuses Surrey members, staff, and guests, with a spirit of community. The...
Apr 7, 2022 | Blog post, Current Month Newsletter, Surrey Strategic Plan, Volunteer News
April is National Volunteer Appreciation month. Volunteers are an essential part of every day at Surrey – providing transportation, delivering meals, answering phones, serving lunch, leading programs and more. The impact of Surrey’s dedicated volunteers was even...
Jan 31, 2022 | Blog post, Help at Home
Robert left his doctor’s office with three new prescriptions; two order slips for labs; and instructions to monitor his blood pressure and call the office if there was a change. His head was spinning with all the new information. Robert went to his appointment by...
Dec 7, 2021 | Uncategorized
If you are 70 1/2 or older, you can make a charitable gift directly from your IRA without paying income tax on the withdrawal. How it works Sam, age 78, has $500,000 in an IRA. He doesn’t need the entire $24,600+ he’s required to take this year, and he...